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August 10, 2004

Let us Promote Tokyo - Beijing Elementary School Children's Shogi friendly Matches(Vol.15, 3.31.2001)

It was in 1997 when ISPS invited 3 elementary school children from Beijing for the first time. In those days it was no easy matter for ordinary Chinese people to go abroad. However, each year for the past 4 years, a few elementary and junior high school boys and girls from Beijing and Shanghai came to visit Japan to learn and play Shogi. (by Naohiro Sanada, Chaiman)

Happily, reflecting the recent economic development of China, the restriction on travel abroad has eased.
Taking into account this improved situation, it has come to mind that it would be a good time for official organizations from both Japan and China to become avid supporters for the promotion of Shogi matches for elementary school children of both countries. The following is a written proposal to materialize the dream mentioned above.
One of the important points of this written proposal is to connect two sister cities, Beijing of China and Tokyo of Japan, with Shogi. Shogi matches between the two cities should not be a single shot promotion. Reciprocal and periodical exchange of visits by children of both cities to play Shogi is what I have in my mind. While the language barrier is a concern, we must remember that the main participants are the elementary school children of the two sister cities. Even if they may not be able to communicate verbally, they will be able to communicate their feelings and intentions through Shogi. If these matches are repeated every year, the number of children who can communicate their feelings and understand opponents' intention is sure to increase.
The first rally of Shogi matches of children of the two cities sponsored by our organization, ISPS, is to be held in July this year.
Preliminary matches in Tokyo are scheduled to begin in May of this year.
The most important problem standing in the way of this rally is "the expense". If Chinese counterparts are able to come to Tokyo by their own account, the "expense" to be borne by us shall be only the operating expense of the rally. In the future such treatment may become possible. But for the present, without assistant from our side, the scheduled 10 children's visit from China to Tokyo is impossible.
The expense needed for this occasion is calculated to be 1,050,000 yen and I am currently trying to think how to make it. Here are a few ideas: --

 *Try to seek an organization or a corporation which can contribute the whole amount without batting an eye.

 *Try to hold a charity Shogi match rally to support Tokyo-Beijing elementary school children matches.

 *Try to collect mini-sponsors with a limited amount of money.
A unit of subscription (for an individual person) 1,000 yen
         "       (for an organization) 100,000 yen

Since ISPS is the sponsor, the call for mini-sponsors shall be
first made to our members. However, individuals and/or
organizations other than our members are of course welcome. If
the total amount ever exceeds the estimated amount, the balance
shall be carried over as a fund for proceeding years.
Positive support of the members of ISPS is strongly requested.


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